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Showing posts from September, 2019

Re-embracing You; Where passion is not enough

Growing up from childhood, the sciences were always never my first love. Maybe never even my love at all. There was an innate passion for things of the arts. Passion clearly seen in natural interests demonstrated in stage performances, writing, creating. I read the news for my school every year, anchored stage dramas, did lots of art work and was actively learning to play musical instruments. How I got into nursing school? Story for another day. Lol. So as I progressed through life, I continued extracurricularly every of these activities but quit my lessons on the keyboard or rather, convinced myself I'll learn it better later. As you can guess, 8 years down the line now, and I'm back to the novice where I started from. Where am I going? Now, passion was what got me started in the first place right? But what happens when it's not nurtured? It dies. We are young people and nurses or nurses-in-training, and it's seeming like every other thing we used to love doi...
The recently concluded Interview Series featuring selected distinct nurses of the 21st century was truly educative and inspiring. Special applause to all our guests. Thank you for sharing with us from your bank of experience. We acknowledge the student nurses from Department of Nursing, Lagos State University who just wrapped up semester examinations, and we wish them all outstanding success. Special Announcement ! A re you a young nurse? Did you follow through with the recently concluded series? Stand a chance to win loads of airtime and get featured on the blog by simply commenting about what you learnt from any of the guests during the series. Spread the news and share! TNJ..  We love, we learn, we grow.